5/5 Very Satisfied
I am happy and appreciate your assistance. The front desk is really welcoming, the secretaries too. It's really a good organization working seriously for the Haitian community
Mwen kontan e apresye asistans nou. Front desk vreman akeyan, secretaires yo tou. Se Vre man yon bon organisation kap travay serye pou kominote Haitienne nan
5/5 Very Satisfied
HAUP is a serious organization. I advise everyone to come here because the service is normal. I am very satisfied. You will not regret.
HAUP se yon organizasyon serye. Mwen konseye tout moun vin la paske sevis nomal. Mwen vieman satisfe. Ou pap regret.
5/5 Very Satisfied
They recieved me well
Yo bien resevram